Secured My School SMS, a 501c3 organization dedicated to educating students on the creation of digital twins for their schools, is now accepting donations. ALL donations given to SMS are tax deductible. Our unique approach empowers students by providing them with the knowledge and tools to create digital twin models of their school campuses.
Secured My School understands the importance of equipping students with the skills they need to enhance school security comprehensively. That's why we have developed an educational program centered around creating digital twin models of school campuses. With digital twin models, students and school administrators gain enhanced situational awareness, leading to more efficient incident prevention and response.
With your generous contribution, you become an essential part of our mission to foster a safer educational environment. By educating students on creating digital twin models, we empower them to actively contribute to improving school security. This knowledge not only enhances their own safety but also equips them with important skills that can be applied throughout their lives. Your support helps empower the next generation to create a safer future for themselves and their communities.
To donate, visit the Secured My School website and navigate to the "Donation" tab, where you can fill out a simple form with your contact information. Our team will promptly reach out to you with the best donation methods and answer any questions you may have.
We sincerely appreciate your support, and we look forward to working together to educate students and strengthen school safety measures through digital twins.